E Sanchit ICEGATE and CUSTOMS procedure
E sanchit procedure for Export & Import |
Below are the steps to upload documents through E Sanchit
Step 1: Scan all the documents separately like Invoice, Packing List, BL, AWB & convert to digital format, Scan file format should be PDF
Step 2: Click on Digital Signature & signed all scan documents
Step 3: Now login to ICEGATE with your registered ID, please make sure DIGITAL KEY should be attached in Computer
Step 4: After login, on the left side menu please click on e-Sanchit tab
Step 5: Now, Click on upload documents tab
Step 6: Choose the signed file which you want to upload. At a time you can upload 5 Documents
Step 7: Once you upload the documents click on Validate Documents Tab
Step 8: Now through the dropdown list select the document type against all the uploaded documents
Step 9: After selecting the document type click on submit document button
Step 10 Press OK button
Step 11: Now, you can see DRN & IRN number against uploaded documents which will use in your customs noting software (Currently only IRN number is mandatory)
Some important points for E sanchit
- Scan document should be clean
- Resolution should not be less than 200 dpi
- File size should be up to 1 MB
This process is mandatory with effective from 15/03/2018
This process is mandatory with effective from 15/03/2018
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